Alejandro Stojanovic
Fotografo - Videografo - Productor
+1 786 736 0231
Orlando, Fl
Diciembre 18, 1986

About me
My name is Alejandro Stojanovic and I am a Bolivian photographer, videographer and producer, born in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. I graduated from the Private University of Santa Cruz de la Sierra (UPSA) with a degree in Law. I was the creator and owner of the first professional streaming company in Bolivia "Boomerang Stream". I currently have my own business "Audiovisual Production Company" where I offer all types of services related to the field.
Programs that I use and master:
- Davinci Resolve
- Final Cut Pro
- Adobe Premier
- Camtasia
- Luminar AI/Neo
- Gyroflow
- PhotoScape
- Lightroom
- Photoshop
- After Effects
- Filmora
- Leonardo AI
- Wix
- Squarespace
Hobbies: I have a blog about music, photography, astronomy, and curious cases from history. I wrote a science fiction book that is scattered among my 10 thematic websites that I created over time to tell their stories.
Work experience in the "audiovisual medium"
Boomerang Stream, a company of which I was the creator, being the first professional streaming service in Bolivia. At the time we had the only 100% streaming set dedicated to live broadcasts carrying out programs of all kinds at a national and international level. We also provide coverage with our mobile unit to satisfy the needs of our Clients
Stone Films is my production company. With it we offer services from professional photographs, videos focused on social networks, advertising, mini capsules, website creation, account management and social media management, among other services.
As "Alejandro Stojanovic" I do corporate, product and wedding photography. Production of videos or mini documentaries "Bolivia Internacional", creation of web pages, creating all your content from arts, photos, videos and I have also made some short films.




My photo as the cover of the newspaper "El Deber" documenting the most massive town hall in the history of Bolivia

During my career as a photographer, I have won many awards on photography pages on social networks (wildlife and landscape photography), one of my photos has illustrated the cover of my city's telephone directory (COTAS), another of my photos has served as inspiration to create a jewel (Jewelry Paris) I have had photographs on the covers of the most important newspapers and journals in my city, on several occasions they have made advertising billboards with my photos (Colinas del Urubó) I have been awarded for my work promoting tourism thanks to my photographs in my city (Chamber of Deputies), collectible posters with my work have been sold (El Deber), my photos have been chosen as covers for the sale of televisions (LG) and I have worked with more than 150 national and international clients throughout my career as a photographer. I am very happy with what I have achieved in my career as a photographer, but I still have much more to do.